Pharmacy Point of Sales System

Pharmacy Point of Sales System

Login Page

Point of Sales - Pharmacy

This essential point of sales system is designed for Pharmacy shops, that will play a critical role in managing the drugs and keeping stock of available items and it transactions. The system will help to accurately monitor available drugs of all types, from pain killers to antibiotics among others. The system is able to track the expiry date of the drugs, helping the pharmacist to know which of the drugs need to be replaced. With a highly customisable system, the pharmacist can add names of suppliers, categories of drugs,  drugs and it quantities as available.

Stock Page

Transaction Page

Manage all daily sales accurately from a single system.

Payment Page

System does automated calculations on each payment with it balances.

 Printable Receipt

The system helps you to give your patients some evidence after each purchase.

Purchase Point of Sales System - Pharmacy

 After purchase, softrexx would have this system installed successfully on your pharmacy sales computers or laptops for free of charge. Our System cost Gh$ 4,000 cedis. Interested buyers can contact Cyberkodes
